Hi there!

I'm Lilian

My journey into UX design started with the launch of an online magazine during the era of Palm Pilots and BlackBerrys. Our publication was among the very first to introduce the digital turning page concept. This moment steered me toward product development in the tech realm.

As my career evolved, design systems became my forte, allowing me to architect frameworks that bring coherence and scalability to complex ecosystems. Leveraging my skill in visual UI design, I ensure that every solution is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

Fast forward to today, I've had the privilege of contributing to diverse industries, from robotics to healthcare, non-profits to AGTech, each presenting its own set of design challenges.

Outside of UX, my life is an adventurous mix of functional training (where I challenge gravity), and a tech obsession as profound as my quest for the perfect cup of tea. Don't get me wrong, these pursuits keep me grounded, inspired, and, against all odds, in tip-top shape—at least, according to my fitness app. I'm a warm person who loves working with people and tinkering. I’m happy to connect, so feel free to send me an invite on LinkedIn or an email!

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